Search Results
G0MTQ - Elecraft K3 RX - 80 mtr QSO with Ken ( G4KIR)
Elecraft K3 5MHz test with M0BCV
Elecraft K3 NR (Noise Reduction) ON
K3 Kit Build - On Air Test with G4MQV
K3 to K3 QSO
Elecraft K3 during QSO CW to RTTY
Problems with the elecraft K3
K3 Elecraft is working in WPX CW Contest
G0MTQ - Remote Station - Perth Australia: Bill - G4MQV QSO
Elecraft K3 decoding 6m CW beacon
W2VP QSO with SP4WRF using Remote SP and Elecraft K3/0 mini Heil PR40
JT65A QSO ITALY - CANADA 1W Elecraft K3 part 1